Attestation of Workplaces on working environment

Laboratory for radiation, industrial hygiene, and sanitation
Assessment of working environment to detect harmful and dangerous production factors that might negative affect the employees is the foundation of labour safety management system in all workplaces.
The Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan Number 38 ‘On Approving the rules for Attestation of Workplaces’ dated 6 March 2000 requires all workplaces in enterprises and organizations in the country, regardless of their ownership and organizational and legal form, to have an attestation of workplaces on working environment no less than once in every 5 years.
The Laboratory for radiation, industrial hygiene, and sanitation at Azerbaijan State Scientific-Research Institute of Labour Protection and Safety Engineering conducts (and is accredited to do so) attestation of workplaces in domestic and foreign, as well as open and close, industrial areas, operating in the country. The highly professional experts at the laboratory offer high-quality services in measuring dangerous and hazardous production factors and determining the hardship and stress indicators in the working environment employing modern devices and equipment that meet international requirements.
