Why Washing and Degassing are Crucial

21 September, 2024
Why Washing and Degassing are Crucial

Mechanical sediments and wastes that occur during transportation of hazardous cargo and pyrophoric sediments during liquid gas transportation interfere with the normal operation of individual nodes and pose a threat of ignition, burning and explosion.

Eliminating the danger makes it absolutely necessary to periodically wash, steam the tanks that carry dangerous cargo, inspect their internal surfaces, and perform a technical inspection to detect possible defects.

When is washing and degassing necessary?

  1. When higher viscosity oil products are replaced with transparent oil products

  2. When one of the transported transparent oil products is replaced with another

  3. During a technical examination while issuing a technical certificate to the vehicle

  4. During repair and restoration works in the tank itself or its connecting nodes.

Main objective

Carrying out washing-degassing and technical inspection to ensure safety standards while transporting hazardous goods (oil products) and liquefied natural gas!

The personnel at the Azerbaijan State Scientific-Research Institute of Labour Protection and Safety Engineering at the State Agency for Safe Working in Industry and Mountain-Mining Control under the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) are consistently hard at work in order to increase control efficiency during the application of new technologies at industrial facilities, predict dangerous situations and take preventive measures.
