Social project "Safe School" in Zangilan

01 June, 2025
Social project "Safe School" in Zangilan

Within the framework of the "Safe School" Social Project implemented by the Azerbaijan State Labor Protection and Safety Technical Research Institute of the State Agency for Safe Conduct of Work in Industry and Mining Control of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, An educational training dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great leader Heydar Aliyev was organized for the students of the "Smart village" school of Agalı village of Zangilan region on the basis of cooperation with the special representation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Gubadli, Jabrayil and Zangilan districts, which are included in the East Zangazur economic region.

This event, held on May 28, 2023, Azerbaijan Independence Day, also coincided with the first anniversary of the official opening of the first stage of the "Smart Village" project.

The purpose of the project: "It is easier to prevent danger than remove its aftermath" (H. Aliyev)

TThe training was met with great interest by the participants.

Schoolchildren were informed about:

Importance of labor safety;

Gas safety;

Fire safety;

Elevator usage rules;

Electrical safety;

First aid concepts and initial skills.

Up to 100 schoolchildren and teachers of the "Smart Village" benefited from this event of the "Safe School" Social Pilot Project. Children were given gifts on the eve of June 1 - International Day of Children's Protection, memory cards important for health and environmental protection, printed materials reflecting practical recommendations were distributed, certificates were presented. The school staff was awarded with an appreciation badge for the support of the educational project.


The training staff was shown the proud conditions and achievements of the "Smart Village", which is a symbol of the development of modern life standards based on social values.


Support and hospitality of Mrs. Ilhamiya Rza, Head of the Public Relations Department of the public legal entity "Restoration, Construction and Management Service No. 1 in East Zangezur Economic Region" and  Jeyhun Hasanov, adviser of the special representation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Gubadli, Jabrayil and Zangilan districts, which are included in the East Zangezur economic region were highly appreciated  and desire for continued cooperation was expressed.

