Inspection of Technical Safety of Oil Wells

28 September, 2024
Inspection of Technical Safety of Oil Wells

Department for analysing potentially hazardous objects in oil and gas extraction, developing preventive measures and predictive modelling cooperates with local and foreign companies operating in the oil and gas industry in the country based on contracts.

Our department conducts expert examination in compliance with the requirements of rules and norms crucial for safe working in oil and gas extraction.

The department is currently engaged in developing an expert opinion through determining the compliance of documents on returning wells to another horizon, well suspension, restoration of suspended wells, re-isolation-cancellation works, conservation of wells and design projects for drilling wells with the requirements of the normative-technical documents in force.

While delivering expert evaluation on technical safety, the department mainly uses the following guidelines: ‘Safety Rules in Oil and Gas Extraction’, ‘Instructions on well suspension and conservation, drilling offshoots and returning to other horizons’ and ‘Uniform technical rules for offshore oil and well construction’.
